Who are we?

Our Story

Inspired by the sight of wasted food in his high school and the plight of the homeless around New York City, a 16-year-old high school student from Stuyvesant took decisive action to address food waste and food insecurity. During the pandemic, despite facing challenges with his grades and confidence, he emerged determined to make a difference in his community.

Upon returning to school, he rallied classmates to form a school club dedicated to collecting leftover cafeteria food for community fridges. A transformative encounter with a grateful stranger during a delivery solidified his commitment to the cause.

This experience led him to partner with his younger brother to expand their efforts city-wide. Together, they founded Food For All NYC,  a 501(c)(3) organization aimed at fighting food waste and eliminating food insecurity. They raised awareness, recruited volunteers, and collaborated with food pantries, soup kitchens, and community kitchens across New York City. 

 Their ultimate goal is to grow the nonprofit into a nationwide and international effort, inspired by the belief that small acts of kindness can have a significant impact on our communities. This journey has reinforced their commitment to never miss a chance to help those in need and to continually strive to make a positive difference in the world.

Our Impact

We have made a significant impact by donating over 24,000 food items and distributing more than 10,000 pounds of food to date—food that would have otherwise gone to waste. But our mission extends beyond donations. We are dedicated to educating communities about the critical issues of food waste and food insecurity. Through our educational initiatives, we have reached thousands of students, empowering them with knowledge and awareness. Our partnerships with organizations like Grassroots Grocery, the NY Common Pantry, and the NYC Department of Education have further amplified our efforts, allowing us to extend our support to those in need across New York City.

We directly inspired the NYC Department of Education to enact new city-wide policy changes to reduce food waste in schools!

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